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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Writing Confidence Kaput?

Yes, I'm having a very low writing morale day. Lots of rejection adds up to lots of low confidence. And sometimes the motivation to keep plugging away doesn't come. So I got online to find something that would make me feel better (since chocolate and reality TV weren't cutting it), and here is what I found. Enjoy!


  1. I LOVE this:
    "I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but you just don’t know how to use the English language."
    The quantity and content of those rejection letters will wind up featured in one of your Pulitzer-winning novels some day. Let them fuel your fire.

  2. Hey Heather. I think the reason to keep writing is because you're good at it, and the world needs good writing. I don't mean the "you" to be general, but specific. You haven't been writing for decades now in the midst of some delusion or anything. You just haven't found an editor yet who believes in you the way your friends and fellow writers do.

  3. Take a look into the eyes of your children and see what's really important. When you're not concentrating on the success of your writing, the success of your writing will bite you in the behind...and what Ian said.
